Mother's Day Spell
author unknown
(To help strengthen the bond between a Mother and her children)
What you'll need: A Light Blue Candle or White Candle
When to do it: When the Moon is new, waxing, or full and on a Monday
What to do: Light the Candle and think of your Mother or the people you are wanting to help bring together (A photo will be helpful) .
What to say: "Goddess bless this bond between Mother and Child. As solid as the earth this bond will stay strong, As bright as the sun this bond will lovingly burn on, and as swift as the wind this tie will never be undone. Together forever this love will always live on. Happiness surrounds this bond, understanding comforts this bond, and your heavenly blessings protect this bond. Goddess watch over and protect this Mother and Child. So, it has been spoken -- so, it shall be -- this bond is strengthen now and forever as above, below, and here on earth it has been done."
While saying these words think of your mother or the family you are trying to strengthen. Think of them being happy and together. Think of good times past and present and most of all to come...
Love && Light,
Shadow Moon
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