Shadow Moon...A Look Inside the Broom Closet.


Greetings! I've decided to create a blog of shadows. My journey through this strange and interesting world. The point of this blog? Well, I guess I hope to just tell my story. And, my journey and discovery of my love for nature, earth, and Pagan beliefs. Love and Light, ~Shadow Moon~

New beginnings...

I decided to revamp this old place again.   Today is the first day of my 33rd year in this life.   A perfect time, in my opinion, to begin again.   Ive decided I'm at another crossroads in life that presents me with several roadblocks.   I'm stuck.   I took a test a few days ago concerning my chakras.  Some were weak, one was closed.  SO in attempt to get my life back on track... I've decided the first thing I have to take care of is ME.  

I've decided to re-experience my year and a day journey of sorts.   Mainly to recenter myself and reconnect.   Feel free to join me on this journey as I experience what it has to offer me.   Here in my Blog of Shadows, I hope to keep up daily with my thoughts, ideas, and bumps along the road.

Bear with me:)

Love & Light,

Shadow Moon


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