Shadow Moon...A Look Inside the Broom Closet.


Greetings! I've decided to create a blog of shadows. My journey through this strange and interesting world. The point of this blog? Well, I guess I hope to just tell my story. And, my journey and discovery of my love for nature, earth, and Pagan beliefs. Love and Light, ~Shadow Moon~

Tree meditation = Day 2

One of my favorite meditations..... here is The Druid Network's rendition ... enjoy. 

Begin by sitting down. Preferably on the floor, but just sitting down will do. Relax, and feel where the ground holds you. Feel heavy. Feel where you touch the ground, and where the energy of the ground - its gravity - gives you weight and solidity. Feel it around you, when you move your body, feel where it moves downwards where there isn't any effort at all, where your weight is held naturally. Then notice your breath. We naturally relax on the outbreath. As you notice the pattern of your breathing, feel your outbreath as a letting go, and as you breathe out each time, feel yourself breathing downwards - your weight settling down each time.

The next step requires that you employ your imagination a little. As you continue to use your breath as a tool to focussing downwards, with each outbreath, feel your roots grow. Do this as a relaxation, rather than as a push of growth. We grow naturally when we are asleep, rather than when we expend effort, and this is how to grow roots - just by relaxing downwards. Start by feeling just one root grow - a tap root, perhaps. Let this find its depth, maybe curling around rocks, maybe encountering other things in the earth beneath you. Then grow one or two more - maybe growing out from your tap root, or perhaps exploring different directions. Remember throughout that your breathing is key to your root-growing. Relax your growth through your outbreath.

When you feel secure with your roots - perhaps with them spread out around you, like a beech tree, or perhaps with one strong tap root and just a few others, you can start to use your inbreath. As trees draw upwards, they take nourishment from the earth, and so it is with your inbreath. Still remembering to relax downwards with the outbreath, use the inbreath to start to breathe nourishment up your root system, and into your body. You might find it helpful to breathe to a count, but I find it most useful just to breathe as naturally as possible and feel the breath, and the nourishment rising like sap, as fully as I can.

The meditation so far can be used as a powerful way of centering yourself on its own. However, the next steps can be used to integrate yourself into your environment..

Once you're comfortable with the sap rising within you, giving you new energy, you can begin to use the energy to grow a canopy. Here's where you'll really become aware of what kind of tree you might be. Start small at first, just growing small shoots. Remember that you only need to grow on the outbreath, keeping the sap rising in you on your inbreath. If you feel like it, you can grow bigger branches, maybe leaves, maybe even blossom, if you really feel like it. You may just feel like a small winter blackthorn, sparsely covered, and prickly. Or you might be a huge ash tree, all towering and tall.

When you've grown all the canopy you want to, feel where you touch the things around you - where your canopy touches other things, and where your root system intertwines with other systems. As you breathe in and out, how do you interact with those things? If you're doing the meditation in a group, how do you interact with the people on either side of you?

When you're ready, open your eyes and acknowledge the things around you. Again, if you're in a group, actively acknowledge the people on either side of you. Move slowly and don't talk for a little while. See if you can move without shifting the root system you've created.

Variations - Some people find it difficult to practice this meditation indoors, or on floors above ground level. Personally I've never had a problem with being able to send roots into the earth from there - after all what we're using is the earth's nemeton - its energy, rather than the earth physically. However a technique you might like to try is to send roots to the edges of the building you're in, and to trail them down the outside, like ivy. This can sometimes kick the imagination into building the sense of nourishment this mediation aims to create.

DAY One: Reconnecting..

Today was all about reconnecting with things around me.  

Earth:  my favorite things about this time of year is probably the leaves on the trees as they turn colors and swirl and dance in the wind to the crisp ground.   As I stood outside today I tried to take in everything about them.   I walked to my favorite tree in the yard and stood beneath it.   Its crisp crunchy leaves beneath my feet.  The smell of autumn in the air.  I absolutely love every aspect of this season.   So many colors, vibrant oranges, yellows, browns.  

Air:  As I stood outside amongst my favorite tree I felt a cool breeze flow through my hair.   I closed my eyes and just stood there.   I remember as a little girl playing in this same yard, under a much younger tree, and spinning and spinning in the wind.   <3

Fire:  I let the warmth of the sun shine down on me.   I felt the warmth on my face and arms.

Water:   Yesterday's rainstorm still left puddles of water standing nearby.   I could see the rippling reflection of myself as I gazed into the surface.

Spirit:  I stood outside for a short while and as I stood in silence i thought about each element and how it seemed to be in everything all around me.   Sometimes in the hustle and bustle of the day I think we all forget to stop and smell the roses so to speak.   It was good to just go outside and do this today.   It helped me feel centered and grounded.      I think of the tree i stood beneath.   It reminded me of life's cycle, and that the tree is a great representation of this.  

I encourgage you to go outside... to your favorite place... and reconnect  yourself. 

Can you see, feel or touch each element?   How does it make you feel?

Blessed Be,

Shadow Moon<3

New beginnings...

I decided to revamp this old place again.   Today is the first day of my 33rd year in this life.   A perfect time, in my opinion, to begin again.   Ive decided I'm at another crossroads in life that presents me with several roadblocks.   I'm stuck.   I took a test a few days ago concerning my chakras.  Some were weak, one was closed.  SO in attempt to get my life back on track... I've decided the first thing I have to take care of is ME.  

I've decided to re-experience my year and a day journey of sorts.   Mainly to recenter myself and reconnect.   Feel free to join me on this journey as I experience what it has to offer me.   Here in my Blog of Shadows, I hope to keep up daily with my thoughts, ideas, and bumps along the road.

Bear with me:)

Love & Light,

Shadow Moon

Website Recommendations!



Also since they are hard to find :) and few and far between, I thought I’d post a link to some shops around here in Utah.  They are current as far as I know, but feel free to correct me or post another in the comments section! :)

Salt Lake City Area:

Gypsy Moon Emporium /
1011 East 900 South
Salt Lake City, Utah 84105

Kindred Paths (Formerly SpellBound)
3804 South Highland Drive
Salt Lake City, UT, 84106

Dragon Dreams
920 East 900 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84105

Elemental Inspirations
2152 South Highland Drive
Hyland Plaza
Salt Lake City, Utah 84106

Jeweled Maidens
1765 W. 4160 S.
Salt Lake City, UT 84119

Northern Utah Area:

Capricorns Lair
2450 Washington Blvd
Ogden, Utah  84401

Earthly Awakenings
21 Federal Ave
Logan, Utah  84321

I’ll post more as I can find them and verifiy their existance!! :) I know there is one or two in Moab and one in Hurricane, Utah.  And there was once a couple in Provo/Orem area… but I need to do a little research to see if they’re still around. 

Happy Shopping!  These are PHYSICAL stores..   they do have an online presence most of them, but these are places you can walk in to!  some have amazing store clerks who are willing to share their knowledge and expertise, some offer classes, and many offer readings etc.

Seek and ye shall find :) 


Lammas Rebirth Incense


images This recipe is for loose incense, but you can adapt it for stick or cone recipes. As you mix and blend your incense, focus on the intent of your work. In this particular recipe, we’re creating an incense to use during a Lammas rite -- it’s a time to celebrate the beginning of the harvest. We’re thankful for the foods we’ve grown, and for the bounty of the earth, and the knowledge that we’ll have enough to eat through the coming winter months. You’ll need:

  • 1 part basil
  • 1/2 part cinnamon bark
  • 1 part coriander
  • 2 parts goldenrod
  • 1 part heather
  • 1/2 part rosemary
  • 2 parts Sweet Annie (you can use dried apple blossoms if you don’t have Sweet Annie)
  • 1 part yarrow

Mix up The Magick!

Add your ingredients to your mixing bowl one at a time.

Measure carefully, and if the leaves or blossoms need to be crushed, use your mortar and pestle to do so.

As you blend the herbs together, state your intent.

You may find it helpful to charge your incense with an incantation, such as:

We’re thankful this day for the gift of rebirth,
Fruits and vegetables, the bounty of earth.
For the Harvest Mother with her basket and scythe,
Abundance and fertility, and the blessings of life.
We’re grateful for the gifts we carry within
And for what will become, and what has been.
A new day begins, and life circles round,
As grain is harvested from the fertile ground.
Blessings to the earth and to the gods from me,
As I will this Lammas, so it shall be.

Store your incense in a tightly sealed jar.

Make sure you label it with its intent and name, as well as the date you created it.

Use within three months, so that it remains charged and fresh.



House Cleansing Spell

This spell will help remove negative energy and unwanted/unwelcomed energy from your home.

You Will Need:

1 tablespoon powdered garlic
1 tablespoon peppermint
1 tablespoon ground clove
1 tablespoon dried or powdered thistle
Handful of sweet-grass
Sage or dried oak leaves


White Candle


Take a large bowl of salt and sprinkle a pinch or two over the exterior doorways and windowsills of home. Make sure you get every single one!

Choose the room that has the strongest negative feel to it.

Light a white candle.

In a large fire proof bowl combine the the rest of the ingredients:  Garlic, Peppermint, Clove, Thistle, SweetGrass, and Sage or Oak Leaves.

Carefully light the mixture so that it smolders and gives off an aromatic smoke.

Leaving the candle lit, carry the bowl in to each room and repeat the following:

In the name of the Eternal Lady and Lord I bid thee part.
I consecrate and clear this space.
Let nothing but joy linger here.
So Mote it Be!

When you have done each room, return to the first, set the bowl beside the candle and wait for the remaining mixture to burn out.

Taking  the ash outside and sprinkling it over the grass/flowerbed/etc, is a great way to give back to the Earth and helps keep unwelcome energy at bay :)

Blessed Litha

Just some useful information for this months celebration of Litha (Midsummer). Midsummer is when the Holly King and Oak King have another great battle. This time the Oak King is defeated and the Holly King reigns in power until Winter Solstice (Dec 21st) when they once again battle it out for dominance.

This is one of my favorite times of year. and When I actually get to, it's a fun one to go into the mountains (camping) to celebrate. Unfortunately with conflicting work schedules, I'll be sitting this one out.

None the less, here's some interesting and useful info to share about Litha and Traditions that accompany the sabbat :)

Litha is usually celebrated on June 21st, but varies somewhat from the 20th to the 23rd, dependant upon the Earth's rotation around the Sun. According to the old folklore calendar, Summer begins on Beltane (May 1st) and ends on Lughnassadh (August 1st), with the Summer Solstice midway between the two, marking MID-Summer. This makes more logical sense than suggesting that Summer begins on the day when the Sun's power begins to wane and the days grow shorter. The most common other names for this holiday are the Summer Solstice or Midsummer, and it celebrates the arrival of Summer, when the hours of daylight are longest. The Sun is now at the highest point before beginning its slide into darkness.

On the Wheel of the Year Litha lies directly across from Yule, the shortest day of the calendar year, that cold and dark winter turning when days begin to lengthen and humanity looks wistfully toward warmth, sunlight and growing things. Although Litha and Yule are low holidays or lesser sabbats, they are celebrated with more often than any other day on the wheel except perhaps Samhain (My favorite).

The faeries abound at this time and it is customary to leave offerings - such as food or herbs - for them in the evening.

Litha is:
Rededication to the Lord and Lady, beginning of the harvest, honoring the Sun God,
honoring the pregnant Godddess

Crowning of the Sun God, death of the Oak King, assumption of the Holly King,
end the ordeal of the Green Man

Tools, Symbols & Decorations
The sun, oak, birch & fir branches, sun flowers, lilies, red/maize/yellow or gold flower, love amulets, seashells, summer fruits & flowers, feather/flower door wreath, sun wheel, fire, circles of stone, sun dials and swords/blades, bird feathers, Witches' ladder.

Blue, green, gold, yellow and red.

Bonfires, processions, all night vigil, singing, feasting, celebrating with others, cutting divining rods, dowsing rods & wands, herb gathering, handfastings, weddings, Druidic gathering of mistletoe in oak groves, needfires, leaping between two fires, mistletoe (without berries, use as a protection amulet), women walking naked through gardens to ensure continued fertility, enjoying the seasonal fruits & vegetables, honor the Mother's fullness, richness and abundance, put garlands of St. John’s Wort placed over doors/ windows & a sprig in the car for protection.

Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Venus, Aphrodite, Yemaya, Astarte, Freya, Hathor,
Ishtar, all Goddesses of love, passion, beauty and the Sea, and Pregnant,
lusty Goddesses, Green Forest Mother; Great One of the Stars, Goddess of the Wells

Father Sun/Sky, Oak King, Holly King, Arthur, Gods at peak power and strength.

Animals/Mythical Beings
Wren, robin, horses, cattle, satyrs, faeries, firebird, dragon, thunderbird

Lapis lazuli, diamond, tiger’s eye, all green gemstones, especially emerald and jade

Anise, mugwort, chamomile, rose, wild rose, oak blossoms, lily, cinquefoil, lavender,
fennel, elder, mistletoe, hemp, thyme, larkspur, nettle, wisteria, vervain ( verbena), St. John’s wort, heartsease, rue, fern, wormwood, pine,heather, yarrow,
oak & holly trees

Heliotrope, saffron, orange, frankincense & myrrh, wisteria, cinnamon, mint, rose, lemon, lavender, sandalwood, pine

Nature spirit/fey communion, planet healing, divination, love & protection magicks.
The battle between Oak King, God of the waxing year & Holly King, God of the waning
year (can be a ritual play), or act out scenes from the Bard’s (an incarnation of Merlin)"A Midsummer Night’s Dream", rededication of faith, rites of inspiration.

Honey, fresh vegetables, lemons, oranges, summer fruits, summer squash,
pumpernickel bread, ale, carrot drinks, mead.